Nachweis :

Die Domaine ELBOURA arbeitet mittels eines Computersystems, dass das Produkt von der Plantage bis zum Kunden verfolgt. Unser System der Nachweisbarkeit geht zurück bis zu jeder einzelnen Kiste.

Jeder Kolli trägt einen Code, der die Nachweisbarkeit bis hin zur Produktionsparzelle der Plantage ermöglicht.

Ebenso können wir folgende Informationen nachweisen :

  • Das Erntedatum, Zeitpunkt der Verpackung und Lagerung.
  • Verantwortliche Person für die Verpackung.
  • Die Herkunftsplantage und die Herkunftsparzelle.
  • Die Häufigkeit und die Menge der Bewässerung der Bäume, die die Früchte produziert haben
  • Die Art, Dosierung und Zusammensetzung des verabreichten Düngers
  • Die Behandlung mit Pflanzenschutzmitteln vor und nach der Ernte, verwendete Mittel, kommerzieller Produktname, Konzentration, Datum der Behandlung...

Demonstration of traceability website :

Food safety has become a growing concern for citizens of many countries. The presence of chemicals above acceptable limits in food, can threaten both the quality and safety of products.

The need to be able to withdraw or recall products identified as unsafe has become essential to protect people from foodborne diseases. Traceability is a risk-management tool which enables food businessoperators or authorities to respond to that need. It is a cornerstone of any country’s food safety policy.

Domaine ELBOURA has designed a traceability system to meet the needs of partners and end customers, which we will demonstrate step by step in this section.

There are two methods to access our traceability platform: Scan the QR code or use the code on your ticket.

v  Scan of the QR code:

You can scan the existing QR code on your ticket with your phone’s camera or you can use a dedicated application.

Here are the links to download and install the scanner application:

For Android phones:

For IOS phones:

v  Use of the code:

To use our traceability system, follow the next steps:

Open your internet browser and type the following address: to be redirected to the homepage as it shows in the following image:




v  At the search zone in front of you, please type the code on the ticket of your box as it shows in the following image and click on Search button:


2. Saisie de code.png


v  After clicking on search, you are redirected to the page below which contains two parts:

3. Menu.png


ü The first part framed in red contains information on Domaine ELBOURA as Global company prefix, Orchard name, …

ü The second part framed in red contains the traceability menu with the different tables that we will detail later. The Tables of menu are:

·         Geolocation.

·         Plant material.

·         Irrigation.

·         Nutrition

·         Applied phytosanitary treatment in orchard.

·         Cultivation technics.

·         Biological control.

·         Harvest.

·         Cold storage.

·         Applied phytosanitary treatment in packing house.

·         Packing.

·         Box traceability.

·         Logistics details.

You must click on each table in this menu to see the details. This is the next part.

In this part, we will describe each traceability table.


1.    Geolocation:

To access this sub menu, go to the Traceability Menu and click on“Geolocation”. This menu shows the geolocation of the plot where your box comes from as shown in the following image:

4. Geolocation.png

2.    Plant material:

To access this table, go to the Traceability Menu and click on “Plant material”.This table contains informations of the plot the one your box came from as shown in the following picture:

3.    Irrigation:

To access this table, go to the Traceability Menu and click on “Irrigation”. This table contains informations of the irrigation received on the plot where your box comes from as shown in the following picture:

As you can see, the table contains two years of irrigation and you can click on the total for each year to expand the results as shown in the following pictures:


4.    Nutrition:

To access this table, go to the Traceability Menu and click on “Nutrition”. This section contains two sub tables: Fertigation and Foliar fertilizers as shown in the following picture:

4.1  Fertigation :

As you can see, this table contains fertigation informations for two can click on the total for each year to expand the results as shown in the following pictures:

4.2  Foliarfertilizers:

Click on the second button of the Nutrition menu to access “the Foliar fertilizers” sub-table. This table contains foliar fertilizers informations. You can click on the total for the year to expand the results as shown in the following pictures:

5.    Applied phytosanitary treatment in orchard:

To access this table, go to the Traceability Menu and click on “Applied phytosanitary treatment in orchard”. See image for more informations on this treatment:

6.    Cultivation technics:

To access this table, go to the Traceability Menu and click on “Cultivation technics”. For this lot number, the table is empty.

7.    Biological control:

To access this table, go to the Traceability Menu and click on “Biological control”. As you can see on the next picture, the table contains two years of details and you can click on the total for each year to expand the results as shown in the following picture:


8.    Harvest:

To access this table, go to the Traceability Menu and click on “Harvest”. This table contains informations about harvesting for the lot number as shown in the following picture:

9.    Cold storage:

To access this table, go to the Traceability Menu and click on “Cold storage”. This table contains informations about cold storage for the lot number as shown in the following picture:

10. Applied phytosanitary treatment in packing house:

To access this table, go to the Traceability Menu and click on “Applied phytosanitary treatment in packing house”. This section contains two sub tables: Packing line and Immersing tank (before packing line) as shown in the two following pictures:


11. Packing:

To access this table, go to the Traceability Menu and click on “Packing”. This table shows informations about packaging related to the lot number which contains your box as shown in the following picture:

12.    Box Traceability:

To access this table, go to the Traceability Menu and click on “Box Traceability”. This table shows informations about your box.

First, you will have an empty page with a search box as shown in the following image:

Second, go to your box and copy the code in the ticket (without the stars) under the barcode, see next picture:

Paste the code in the search box and hit enter to show the table. In our case, the code is: o0473547.

See the result in the following picture:

13. Logistics details:

To access this table, go to the Traceability Menu and click on “Logistics details”. This table shows informations about logistic related to the lot number which contains your box as shown in the following picture: