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Social responsibility

Our focus is on respecting employees’ rights and ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, from the orchard to the customer.

Domaine ELBOURA aims to respect the environment and to deliver high quality produce.

In this regard, Domaine ELBOURA is certified:

  • NM 00.5.601.

Our goal is to be a socially responsible company that complies with both moroccan labor laws and international conventions and meets the requirements of the international SA 8000 standard and other standards listed below:

  • The new moroccan labor regulation: Law # 65/99
  • ILO convention # 1 (Hours of Work – Industry) and recommendation # 116 (Reduction of hours of work)
  • ILO convention # 29 and # 105 (Abolition of forced labor)
  • ILO convention # 87 (Freedom of association)
  • ILO convention # 98 (Right to organize and collective bargaining)
  • ILO convention # 100 (Equal remuneration) and # 111 (Discrimination – Employment and occupation)
  • ILO convention # 102 (Social security – Minimum standards)
  • ILO convention # 131 (Minimum wage fixing)
  • ILO convention # 135 (Workers’ representatives)
  • ILO convention # 138 and Recommendation # 146 (Minimum age)
  • ILO convention # 155 and Recommendation # 164 (Occupational safety and health)
  • ILO convention # 159 (Vocational rehabilitation and employment (disabled persons))
  • ILO convention # 169 (Indigenous and tribal peoples)
  • ILO convention # 177 (Home work)
  • ILO convention # 182 (Worst forms of child labor)
  • ILO convention # 183 (Maternity protection)
  • ILO code of practice on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work
  • Universal declaration of human rights
  • The international convenant on economic, social and cultural rights
  • The international convenant on civil and political rights
  • UN convention on the rights of the child
  • UN convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women
  • UN convention on the elimination of all Forms of racial discrimination

Domaine ELBOURA voluntarily endorses, and commits to the requirements of the SA 8000 standard and all applicable legislation, including a commitment to continuous improvement with respect to all aspects of our social policy.
